Technology can be your best friend or your worst enemy. That is why choosing the right technology is critical to your and your company’s success. Here is a list of questions you should ask yourself prior to implementing a new form of technology into your business model. For additional information and assistance regarding options and implementation of technology contact our Director of Marketing.


  • What’s the learning curve vs. Potential benefit (also known as cost benefit analysis)?

Look at the big picture is the time and cost invested worth the return on time saved and the ROI gained over the life expectancy of the technology?

  • Is the end-user demographic the same as your target market?

If your target market is thirty something high-end homebuyers and the average user age of the technology you are thinking of using is twenty three, you should reconsider.

  • Does this enhance your customer experience or brand vision?

This is the question that really matters. Does the potential platform offer you the ability to expand your brand? Maybe you are looking to expand your target market (consider bullet point above) or simply address prior client feedback?